Sunday, 13 November 2016

A Morning walk

A Morning walk

Yesterday early in the morning. I got up from my bed at about5. The sun was to rise at 6 o`clock. It was dusk when I left my house for a walk to the company gardens. These gardens are about a mile and a half away from my house.
The road that I took is lined with a row of trees on either side. I heard the sweet chirping of birds in the trees. Tongs drivers were already up and playing their carriages. The factory workers, with tiff-in carriers in their hands were hurrying to the factories far away. A cool breeze was blowing. The atmosphere was quiet and free from dust. The sun was about to rise. I felt joy in my heart. The rays of the sun fell upon me. I saw the red disc of the sun full in the face. I felt like singing. I had now reached the gardens. I entered. The dewdrops on the grass and the petals of flowers looked like gems. The trees were very green. The air was very refreshing. The whole nature here appeared to be gay. It made me cheerful. A morning walk is a tonic for the weak, a cure for the sick, and an exercise for the healthy. It is a remedy for many diseases. It refreshes the brain and sharpens the intellect. It strengthens the lungs and the heart and purifies blood. It keeps me fit and tip top. I enjoy it every day I cannot do without it. After roaming about in the gardens for half an hour, I returned home. Now I am refreshed and fit for a hard day`s work.

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