Friday, 4 November 2016

Essay on An Unforgettable Incident of My Life

An Unforgettable Incident of My Life

My life is full of many unforgettable incidents. I am going to tell you one of them. I am very much afraid of the bank clerks to and the bank business. Whenever I go to the bank, I look like a fool. I know this but once I had to go to the bank. My pay was raised RS. 50/- a month. I wanted to deposit this amount in the bank so that it might not be stolen by the thieves.
When I entered the bank. I was nervous. I looked at the clerks with fear. Then I went to the accountant. I told him that I wanted to see the manger. The accountant brought the manager who was a clam and serious man. I told him that I wanted to see him alone. The manager was anxious to know this. He thought that I was some detective.
The manager took me in a private room. He turned the key in the lock and asked what the matter was. I looked at him for a moment in a strange manner. Then I whispered that I wanted to open a account. Now the manager thought that I wanted to open a very large account. But when he learn t that the amount was Rs. 50/- he was angry.
He said nothing. He thanked and asked me to go to the accountant.
I was very much upset no. I came of the room and entered wrongly in to the safe. Anyhow I reached the accountant. I was pale and shaking. I was asked by the accountant sign certain papers. I no longer knew what I was doing. When the account was opened. I told him that I wanted to withdraw ten rupees. But in confusion I wrote 50 on the cheque. The clerk was surprised and asked me if I wanted to draw all. I was too upset to reason now. Now I pretended to be angry. I roared that I did not want to leave even a single rupee in the account. So I was paid Rs. 50/- . I ran outside the bank. I heard laughter behind me. I felt relief when I was out. Since then I never went to a bank. Now I keep my money with me either in my pocket or in my socks.

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