Saturday, 19 November 2016

Essay A Visit to a Circus Show

A Visit to a Circus Show

A circus company arrived in our town a month ago. Long before its arrival, huge placards were stuck upon the walls. They announced that the company would stay in the town for two week only. Pictures exhibited in notices showed that the company would give interesting performances.
I with a few friends bought first class tickets for chairs and entered the huge tent. There were galleries of wooden planks all round. All seats were occupied soon. In the center was a circular piece of ground. It was called the ring. It was encircled with a piece of white cloth about one foot high. The show began at 10 o` clock in the night. The circus musical band was in attendance throughout. The ring master was the chief figure. Athletes, boys and girls, clowns in funny clothes and many animals took part in the program me. A parrot drew water with a small bucket from a well. It fired a gun and pedaled a small bicycle. An elephant danced in tune with music. Lions sat gentle and docile with goats. Horses reared at a signal of the ring master. The clowns cut decent jokes. Small boys and ladder. A Japanese girl with an open umbrella in one hand, and a handkerchief in another, walked on the wire. a cyclist with his cycle moving to and along the wire gave us the thrill of our lives. Thrilling feats were shown on three swings well apart from one another. A stout man stopped a running motor car.
The show lasted for about two hours. We highly enjoyed it. We felt that our visit was worth it.

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